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What We Do

Cambridgeshire Schools of Sanctuary is co-ordinated by a small team of local education professionals and parents. We can guide and monitor schools interested in becoming a School of Sanctuary, from advising on suitable activities to the final assessment and certification. We are also keen to encourage schools get involved in these kinds of awareness-raising activities and projects without necessarily committing to the full Schools of Sanctuary certificate programme.

Becoming a School of Sanctuary builds on and recognises work you are probably already doing (for example you may have taught about refugee issues during Refugee Week, done some fundraising for refugees or just amended your Inclusion Policy to be more welcoming to all) .

Teaching about refugees (or others who may find themselves excluded) or fundraising can link closely to SMSC/PSHE and Fundamental British Values aspects of the curriculum such as:

· moral and spiritual development

· similarities and differences

· respecting differences

· global citizenship

· tolerance

· understanding of diversity

To find out more, email: [email protected]