This is a list of groups involved in the same areas of interest as us, many of these have representatives at our meetings and more would be very welcome.
Cambridge City of Sanctuary
City of Sanctuary is a movement to build a culture of hospitality for people seeking sanctuary in the UK. Our goal is to create a network of towns and cities throughout the country which are proud to be places of safety for people seeking sanctuary and helping them integrate into their local communities.
Through creating a national network of Cities of Sanctuary, we aim to demonstrate the desire of people of goodwill throughout the country for a more just and humane approach to people seeking sanctuary in this country.
Cambridge Ethnic Community Forum – Refugee Services
Providing welfare advice & practical help to asylum seekers & refugees in Cambridge
Working in partnership with the statutory & voluntary sector to develop and deliver services to asylum seekers & refugees
Developing resource materials for those working with asylum seekers & refugees
CECF has received funding from the Allen Lane Foundation and a National Lottery ‘Awards For All’ grant to enable it to have a specifically funded refugee service.
For those who may have a spare room in their home and wish to help an asylum seeker or refugee
Room For Refugees
Refugees At Home
(NOT Syrian VPR – for that please contact Cambridge Refugee Resettlement Campaign)
CRRC – Cambridge Refugee Resettlement Campaign
We are a group of volunteers, initially set-up by Citizens UK (, helping other organizations working within Cambridge to welcome refugees and those seeking asylum, fleeing persecution and war. We aim to positively influence public opinion on refugees, enabling the people of Cambridgeshire to volunteer their services and provisions to help those newly arrived in the area.
CAMCRAG – Cambridge Convoy Refugee Action Group
Cambridge Convoy Refugee Action Group is a group of volunteers who live in and around Cambridge working to help the refugees in Northern France and elsewhere. In normal times they send convoys to the camps and we also aim raise awareness of the situation, fundraise and organise donations of clothing and other items. All the money we raise goes towards providing aid in the refugee camps or supporting our convoys.
Cambridge City Council
Fostering and Adoption
Cambridge Must Act
Cambridge chapter of the Europe Must Act and UK Must Act movement. This movement seeks:
1) To immediately decongest the Aegean Islands through fair relocation across Member States
2) To replace the EU-Turkey Agreement with a fair and humane EU policy on migration
3) To advocate for dignified and legal conditions of reception across Europe
Cambridgeshire Schools of Sanctuary
A School of Sanctuary is a school that is committed to being a safe and welcoming place for those seeking sanctuary. This could be people whose lives were in danger in their own country, who have troubles at home or are just looking for a space of safety.
A School of Sanctuary is a school that helps its students, staff and wider community understand what it means to be seeking sanctuary and to extend a welcome to everyone as equal, valued members of the school community. It is a school that is proud to be a place of safety and inclusion for all.
Cambridge Student Action for Refugees
Cambridge STAR is part of a national network of student groups working to improve the lives of refugees and asylum seekers in the UK.
We give students the opportunity to:
Learn more about issues facing refugees in the UK, and pass on their knowledge to others, raising awareness about the hardships faced by those fleeing war and persecution, whilst dispelling negative myths;
Support refugees in the UK via fundraising for existing organsations and campaigning;
Make a difference to the lives of refugees and asylum seekers more locally through practical volunteering.
Cambridge Welcome
Cambridge Welcome are a group of volunteers from all walks of life and ages based in the Cambridge area. We promote a hospitable and welcoming environment for everyone who comes here to live, study, work, seek sanctuary, join family and enrich our local community. We strongly oppose the ‘hostile environment’ of the UK Government, which fosters fear, distrust and discrimination in our city, region and country, undermining the very values that make up our democratic society.
Centre for the Study of Global Human Movement
The Centre for the Study of Global Human Movement aims to build on strong institutional engagement by the University with one of the greatest societal challenges of the 21st Century, that of human movement, dispersal, mobility, and migration to create a transdisciplinary centre of research excellence.
SolidariTee is the largest student-led charity fighting for change in the refugee crisis. We raise awareness of the crisis and offer grants to NGOs and individuals working in this field.
Refugee Support Network
The Refugee Support Network helps refugee and asylum-seeking children and young people build more hopeful futures through education.
Cambridge Hub Ethical Network
The Ethical Network is a community of student societies working on social and environmental issues, campaigning, fundraising, volunteering and promoting engagement with the challenges in which they are involved.
Amnesty International – Cambridge
Red Cross Cambridgeshire
The British Red Cross has a long tradition of providing practical and emotional support to vulnerable refugees and asylum seekers in the UK.
We often need to respond quickly and effectively to crises such as supporting large-scale arrivals or giving emergency provisions to those facing severe hardship.
How do we help people?
The Red Cross supports refugees in a wide variety of ways. These include offering emergency food, clothes or small amounts of cash to those facing severe hardship. We also help refugees access services and we offer friendly advice to the most vulnerable.
Give Your Best
Give Your Best UK is a non-profit platform where women who are refugees or seeking asylum can ‘shop’ for free via our catalogue of donated items. We are LGBTQ+ inclusive and promote sustainable fashion.
NACCOM – The UK-wide No Accommodation Network
NACCOM represents a network of organisations seeking to prevent destitution amongst migrants with no recourse to public funds. Member organisations provide accommodation and support to asylum seekers, refugees and other vulnerable migrants, and we provide resources and support for our members. NACCOM also promotes understanding about destitution through awareness-raising activities and seek to extend the network to ensure no-one is left destitute and homeless in the UK.